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the type of capacitor

the type of capacitor

Capacitors differ according to the nature of the dielectric. The following distinctions:

Capacitors paper
Ceramic capacitors
The mica capacitors
Plastic film capacitors
Capacitors glass
Or polarized electrolytic capacitors

Charging and discharging of a capaci

Charging a capacitor
Switch K is closed and open switch K2. At the closure of K, the ammeter shows a high intensity that decreases rapidly and the meter reads zero in the closing of switch K, and the voltage UC believes follows rapidly.
After a while the current I is zero and the CPU voltage is maximum, mean UC = AU. It is said that the capacitor is charged.

Early in his charges a capacitor acts as a zero resistance (short circuit). So we have: UC0 and I0 = AU / R, I0 is maximum.
End of charging a capacitor, it behaves like an open circuit and UCF If = 0 = AU.
A capacitor whose forms are not connected to any circuit retains its charge and maintains a constant voltage across its terminals. The curves obtained are as follows.

 Charging a capacitor
Switch K is closes and open switch K2. At the closure of K, the ammeter shows a high intensity that decreases rapidly and the meter reads zero in the closing of switch K, and the voltage UC believes follows rapidly.
After a while the current I is zero and the CPU voltage is maximum, mean UC = AU. It is said that the capacitor is charged.

Early in his charges a capacitor acts as a zero resistance (short circuit). So we have: UC0 and I0 = AU / R, I0 is maximum.
End of charging a capacitor, it behaves like an open circuit and UCF If = 0 = AU.
A capacitor whose forms are not connected to any circuit retains its charge and maintains a constant voltage across its terminals. The curves obtained are as follows.

 Charging time, discharge time
The time to charge and discharge is based on the knowledge of the amount Ø R.C. called time constant. If R in ohms; C F; Ø s.
Theoretically the charge or discharge a capacitor never end if we do not cut the circuit. Calculation shows that after a time 3Ø a capacitor that load reaches 95% of the yield stress and only after the same time a capacitor which discharges has more than 5% of its initial voltage . These percentages are 99% and 1% respectively at the end of a time 5Ø. We can consider that after 5Ø a capacitor that is charged is fully discharged.

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